

On 30th Sept., 2003 a set up meeting of NOC was held in the central building of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences.
The meeting was attended by :

Prof. N. Yakimov - BAS, Sofia
Dr. Hristo Slabakov - IO - BAS, Varna
Eng. Ventsislav Nikolov - Pools Directorate , Varna
Dr. Kostadin Iosifov - IHA, Varna
Dr. Stoiko Stoikov - IFA, Varna
Piecho Kaloyanchev, MD - Navy Hihger School, Varna
Acad. Vasil Golemanski - BAS, Sofia
Anna Mihneva Natova - Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Main expert Velichko Velichkov - MEPW
Dr. Balentin Mirchev Bosevski - National Trust Fund
Prof. Hristo Hrischev - Inst. of Geology-Bas, Sofia
Prof. Georgi Hibaum - BAS, Sofia
Dr. Jordan Kosturkov - IWP-BAS, Sofia
Eng. Mihail Ganchev
Emil Ivanov, first lieutenant - HO-Bulgarian Navy, Varna
Dr. Mincho Anchev - Inst. of Biology - BAS, Sofia

The meeting was opened by a speech of Prof. Yakimov who congratulated all particpants and personally Mr. Mihail Ganchev - the former NOC Chairman. He also presented the objectives and tasks of NOC and showed the letter # 17-6/03.02.2003 of the Deputy Mimister of Education, Dr. Igor Damyanov, referring the necessity of restoration of NOC activities as proposed by BAS and offered to the BAS Board of Directors to handle that task.
Prof. Yakimov announced the decision of BAS Board of Directors to elect Dr. Hristo Slabakov - Director of Institute of Oceanology for NOC Chairman, as well as Institute of Oceanology to house the main office of NOC.
Dr. Slabakov presented the participants and noted the excuses of those who were absent. He aquainted the participants with the Rules for the Sructure and Activities of NOC, approved by BAS Board of Directors in compliance with the requirements of IOC/UNESCO.
He made a short overview of 128 countries- members of IOC and their subdevision in five groups with a regret that the group in which is Bulgaria appered as the most unfavourable.
The former NOC Secretary, Mr. Mihail Ganchev presnted the structure, objectives and tasks of the National Oceanographic Committee established in 1968 as a structure of the State Committee of Science and Technical Development.
A discussion took place on the NOC Rules, aimed at their improvement. All suggestions were registered and prepared for submission to BAS Board of Directors for approval.
The dates and place of the next meeting were decided - May, 2004, Sofia.



It trook place on 12th May, 2004 at the House of Scientists in Sofia.


1. Amendments of NOC Rules;
2. Approval of NOC Working Plan for 2004;
3. Discussion on the proposal for Bulgarian membership in the International Commission for the Scientific Exploration of the Mediterranean Sea (CIESM);
4. Presentation of the Black Sea Regional Water Directorate ;
5. Presentation of ARENA Project (A Regional Capacity Building and Networking Programme to Upgrade Monitoring and Forecasting Activity in the Black Sea Basin );
6. Presentation of new NOC members;
7. Discussion on the proposal for NOC Secretary.

The meeting was attended by:

Dr. Hristo Slabakov - IO - BAS, Varna
Dr. Mincho Anchev - Inst. of Biology - BAS, Sofia
Acad. Vasil Golemanski - Insat. of Zoology-BAS, Sofia
Dr. Stefan Shanov- Inst. of Geology- BAS, Sofia
Dr. Jordan Kosturkov - IWP-BAS, Sofia
Dr. Nikolai Milushev - Geophisical Inst., BAS, Sofia
Prof. Doncho Konakchiev - Free University, Varna
Dr. Piecho Kaloyanchev - Navy Hihger School, Varna
Eng. Konstantin Gegov - Ministry of regional Development and Welfare
Anna Mihneva Natova - Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Boiko Lazarov - Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Main expert Velichko Velichkov - MEPW
Dr. Kostadin Iosifov - IHA, Varna
Eng. Ventsislav Nikolov - Pools Directorate , Varna
Emil Ivanov, first lieutenant - HO-Bulgarian Navy, Varna
Hristo Raev, Attorney - Law of the SEA
Elena Zhekova for the Minutes - IO, BAS

Dr. Slabakov reported on the fist item of the Agenda. After a discussion the Rules of NOC were approved.
Dr. Slabakov also presented a draft of the NOC Working Plan for 2004. During its discussion there were proposals for improvements in the coordination between the members, regular provision of information and attraction of new members related to marine tourism.
NOC Working Plan - 2004 was approved considering the new additions.>
A decision was made for presentation of more information on the regional programs BS GOOS and attendance of international IOC meetings to be included in the next NOC meeting.
Referring the proposal for the Bulgarian membership in CIESM, Dr. Slabakov accented on the priorities of V and VI EC Framework Programs in the field of marine sciences, the objectives and relevance to the processes, exploitation and management of the Mediterranean and Black Sea basins and coastal zones. He made also an overview of the CIESM Devisions:

  • Marine Geology
  • Ocean Physics and Climate
  • Marine Biogeochemistry
  • Marine Microbiology
  • Living Resources and Marine Ecosystems
  • Coastal Ecology

Mrs. Natova (MFA) supported the proposal and explained the way of preparation for application of membership in intergovernmental organizations.
A letter is sent to NOC Chairman referring the steps to be undertaking for the implementation of the proposed CIESM membership.
Acad. Golemanski suggested an individual membership to be also included in the request for CIESM membership with the idea of supporting the young sdcientists.
NOC members supported the proposal of Bulgarian membership in CIESM.
The Director of the Black Sea Region Waters Directorate presented the structure, objectives and tasks of the organization, pointed out the monitoring stations of the Black Sea waters and shared the achievements made duing the last two years.
Dr. Slabakov - A Regional Capacity Building and Networking Programme to Upgrade Monitoring and Forecasting Activity in the Black Sea Basin (ARENA) Project Coordinator presented the main objectives of the Project as follows:

1.Determination of the Black Sea countries resources, available opportunities and posible end-users.
2. Assessment and monitoring of the changes in the Black Sea .
3. Creation of a system for data base management and initiate a system for forecasting.
4. Cteation of informatioinal network for data exchange and services between the partners.
5. Cooperation with other currently developed international programs, e.g. BSEP.
6. Improvement of the Black Sea community awareness on the matter by creation of an efficient system for data and information dissemination.
7. Support the objective s of Black Sea GOOS, EuroGOOS è GOOS.

The expected results were noted as well:
1. Marine meteorological and oceanographic predictions for shipping, harbours, search and rescue other ocean activities.
2. Establishment of efficient information flow system.
3. Improvement of the conditions of the marine ecosystem and optimal use of resources of the Black Sea.
4. Organisation building by integration of the national observing activities into GOOS.

Dr. Slabakov proposed for NOC Secretary Dr. Ilia Shtirkov - a scientist from IO-BAS and presented him to the participants. The proposal was supporeted and Dr. Shtirkov elected for NOC Executive Secretary
Dr. Slabakov presented the new members of NOC - Dr. Nikolai Milushev from the Geophisical Institute., BAS, Sofia and Mr. Hristo Raev, a lawyer .
Acad. Golemanski suported the initiative for ceration of website page of NOC and offered to discuss the possibility of issuing Bulletin of NOC with the aim of brtter dissimination of information of the NOC activities.
A decision was made to report on the implementation of the above proposals at the next meeting in September in Varna.
NOC took the following


1. To propose for approvement by BAS Board of Directors the amendments of the Rules for NOC Structure and Activities.
2. Approved NOC Working Plan - 2004.
3. The Chairman of NOC has to prepare and submit a report to BAS Scientific Secretary, Prof. Yakimov, accompanied by the statement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Letter .¹13-009) regarding Bulgarian membership in CIESM.
4. Proposes to BAS Board of Directors to elect Dr. I. Shtirkov for NOC Executive Secretary according to Section 3, it. 3.4.



It was held on 8th September, 2004 at the conference hall of Shkorpilovtsi Research Base .


1. Presentation of GMES (Global Monitoring of Environmental Security).
2. Proposal for estblishment of currently active infomation system among NOC members .
3. Current information on IOC activities for 2004.
4. Discussion on NOC Bulletin.
5. Proposal for annual fee for membership in NOC.

The meeting was attended by:

Dr. Hristo Slabakov - IO - BAS, Varna
Dr. Ilia Shtirkov - IO - BAS, Varna
Acad. Vasil Golemanski - Insat. of Zoology-BAS, Sofia
Dr. Stefan Shanov- Inst. of Geology- BAS, Sofia
Dr. Jordan Kosturkov - IWP-BAS, Sofia
Dr. Nikolai Milushev - Geophisical Inst., BAS, Sofia
Dr. Anton Stoimenov - Inst. of Space Research
Dr. Nesho Chipev - Central Lab of Common Ecology
Marina Borisova Vasileva- Ministry of Education and Science
Dr. Kosta Donev - Inst. of Water Transport, Varna
Cptn. Bogdan Bogdanov - Marine Administration, Varna
Dr. Piecho Kaloyanchev - Navy Hihger School, Varna
Main expert Velichko Velichkov - MEPW
Dr. Kostadin Yosifov -IHA, Varna
Emil Ivanov, first lieutenant - HO-Bulgarian Navy, Varna
Dr. Lyubomir Stoyanov - Marine Administration, Varna
Dr. Atanas Palazov - IO- BAS, Varna
Elena Zhekova for the Minutes - IO, BAS

Dr. Slabakov, NOC Chairman, presented GMES a nd appealed for "Approvement of the European Community possibilities for Global Environmet Monitoring for Security up to 2008" regarding collection, interpretation and use of data in support of sustainable development policy.
The idea was launched in 1998 and approved by the European Commission and the European Space Agency in 2001.
In that respect, Dr. Slabakov suggested a submission of an offer to the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Waters for elaboration of a national strategy regarding the marine part in the form of set up of national monitoring system.
After a discussion the following decision was made:
Dr. Palazov presented a proposal for estblishment of currently active infomation system among NOC members . It's goals are: establishment of efficient information flow s ystem, promotion of NOC in the country and abroad as well provision oceanographic data on national and i nternational level. The tasks to be solved include:


E-mail communications were proposed as the most effective way for contacts and NOC had to prepare a mailing list for correspondence. All participants supportes the proposal.
Creation of NOC webpage was discussed and a d ecision was made for its address:
Dr. Palazov presented the possibilities and activities of the Oceanographic Data centre at IO, its goals, tasks, equipment and data available.
After the following discussions the members present made a decission to submit a proposal to BAS Board of Directors : the Oceanographic Data centre at IO to be given a stastus of NATIONAL OCEANOGRAPHIC DATA CENTRE. The latter is to present Bulgaria in IOC and IODE.
Dr. Slabakov adviced the participant on the information received from IOC as well as the letter from Ministry of Foreign Affairs referring UNESCO/KEIZO OBUCHI RESEARCH FELLOSHIPS PROGRAME Japan Funds-in-Trust Project, 2005, and pointed out the subjects to be granted:

  • Environment (emphasis on water sciences and water resources);
  • Intercultural dialog;
  • Information and communication technologies;
  • Conflict settlement by peaceful measures.

Dr. shtirkov proposed a discussion on the NOC Bulletin structure and contents. He presented two offers for its printing.
Online distribution of the Bulletin was discussed.

Acad. Golemanski suggested that the Bulletin should be issued three times a year in a small volume and to contain detailed data and statistics without scientific publications. Printed version is to be obligatory in order to be distributed among institutes and universities. He offered the following structure of the Bulletin:

- Law and administrative acts and decisions;
- National and international events;
- R & D projects.

The proposed structure was accepted by the Commission.
Dr. Slabakov explained the necessity of NOC funding which up to the moment is fully on IO account. He suggested 50 levs membership fee for each institution.
A decision was made to notify all institutions and members for the collection of membership fee to partially support NOC expenses.



At the invitation of the President of Bulgaria, the Prince of Monaco, His Serene Highness Prince Albert visited Bulgaria from 26 to 27 November, 2004.
A meeting between the French delegation led by Prince Albert and accompanied by Prof. F. Briand, General Secretary of CIESM and a Bulgarian delegation took place on 26 November at 17:30 at Boyana residence.
The Bulgarian delegation included the Minister of Environmental Protection and Waters, Dolores Arsenova, the Minister of Education, Igor Damyanov , Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Education and Sciences, Kamen Velev, BAS General Scientific Secretary, Prof. Naum Yakimov, Director of IO, Dr. Hristo Slabakov and the Bulgarian ambassador in France Mr. M. Rainov.
The meeting was opened and chaired by His Serene Highness Prince Albert. He paid attention mainly on the following two issues:
First: Principality of Monaco will support ecological projects related with the Strandzha region regarding preservation of its flora and fauna. A memorandum was signed between both delegations.
Second: As a President of CIESM , Prince Albert invited Bulgaria to become 24 member of this commission . He also expressed his satisfaction of the active position of the Bulgarian NOC. Minister Igor Damyanov supported the idea of Bulgarian membership in CIESM.


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